Friday, November 8, 2013

Radix Endeavor from MIT

The Radix Endeavor is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) learning in middle and high school. An MMO is a 2- or 3-D graphical, simulated world played online where individuals take on a digital character, or avatar, that they use to represent themselves in this virtual space. They can interact with the designed environment in which activities take place, and also with other individuals' avatars or non player avatars that are part of the narrative. IMO, it is clearly designed to meet the NGSS and then some. It's beautiful and full featured and top shelf artwork. That said, it is PAINFULLY SLOW, and does not appear to be maintained by anyone. Multiple request for tech support over the weeks I've been playing have gone unanswered.

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